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​Government of Jersey London Office

The Government of Jersey’s London Office in Westminster supports its relations with the United Kingdom and acts a point of contact for anyone from Jersey living in or visiting the UK.

ALWAYS JERSEY: Find out more about how to become a member of Jersey’s global community on our Always Jersey page.

Telephone: 07551934107 – Monday to Friday 9am -5pm 
Twitter: @GoJLondonOffice

Address: Government of Jersey London Office, 2 Queen Anne’s Gate Buildings (Fourth Floor), Dartmouth Street, Westminster, London SW1H 9BP


Jersey is the largest and most southerly of the Channel Islands with a population of around 105,000. It is 85 miles off the south coast of England and 14 miles from the northwest coast of France. Jersey is an open, international and outward looking Island community that has forged deep and long-lasting ties and friendships with many nations around the world.  It has a proud reputation as a world-class international finance centre, a popular tourist destination, a hub of digital creativity and producer of high quality agricultural products.

About Jersey →

Jersey and the UK

Jersey, along with Guernsey and the Isle of Man, is a British Crown Dependency and has held this status since 1204. This means that the UK Government is responsible for Jersey’s defence and some international affairs but for all domestic political and fiscal affairs else Jersey is autonomous. The Island is governed by the States Assembly which is led by the Chief Minister, who is currently Lyndon Farnham. The Government of Jersey’s London Office supports ministers and all States departments in their interactions with the UK government, parliamentarians, the diplomatic and business communities and wider UK society. We play an important role in making sure Jersey’s position is understood by decision-makers and commentators throughout the UK, defending the island’s interests, assisting colleagues to attract visitors and inward investment to the island, being a point of contact for the Jersey community in the UK.

On this page:

Jersey and the UK →

Latest News

January 9, 2024
Jersey attends COP28 in Dubai
December 7, 2023
Jersey attends Dublin British-Irish Council Summit

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